Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Far and Wide

My little man has fallen asleep and I have found myself with a rare few minutes of silence.  Hearing his deep breaths as he naps renews me on many levels.  It has renewed me enough that in these last few moments of "mom time" I started to think of what I needed to do next... That list is endless. 
I have laundry in the dryer that is dinging... I have a pending grocery trip... I have lists to be made (and lists of my lists to be made if I am keeping it real here)...I have people I need to call... and I have Thanksgiving and Christmas creeping up on me way too quickly! 

All of those things get pushed back daily because I am blessed to be raising the most amazing little boy.  He is the light of our lives and when I look at him and I see the little person he is becoming I am so thankful and proud and amazed.

Our families and friends are spread so far and wide.  We try our best to keep up with each of them and more often than not we never find enough time in the day or week or month.  God knew what he was doing when he put us into the families he did. He gave us another blessing by putting us with each other.   I hope by finding the time to keep up with this I can also find the time to share it with all of the people who mean so much to us....

So here is a snapshot of the quiet moment I am having, and the quiet moment our little person is having.  Thank you Lord for this peaceful Tuesday afternoon. 
Love, The Mom


  1. I love this idea!! If there is anyone I know that can update people on our family and the way we are navigating through life it is you. I will be living these things right there with you but will still read this to brighten any day! I love you and our little family!

  2. See, I said you would be the legs behind this Blog. I didn't even sign my comment.... Your loving Husband, Craig!
